What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
When diabetes affects the blood vessels of the retina, it leads to an eye disease called Diabetic Retinopathy. Due to the uncontrolled high sugar levels in the blood, the retinal blood vessels get damaged and start oozing blood and fluid and can hamper the supply of blood to the retina eventually. This stage is called Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. As the blood supply starts to get more compromised, the retina starts producing its new blood vessels (triggered by VEGF) which are delicate and can bleed easily and this stage is known as Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. This advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy then leads to bleeding in the retina and vitreous cavity called Vitreous Hemorrhage which can later lead to Tractional Retinal Detachment if left untreated.
At any stage of retinopathy, there can be swelling present in the macular region called Diabetic Macular Edema which can hamper the vision and needs treatment.
Treatment options include intravitreal injection therapy with ANTI VEGF or steroids, Retinal laser therapy ( Pan Retinal Photocoagulation ), and Retinal Surgery ( Vitrectomy ).